Join the Action-Taker Academy

as a

TD Fitness Monthly Member

Go from feeling overwhelmed and confused about how to maintain healthy habits with your busy schedule, to feeling confident, motivated and empowered to live a fit life. 

We have less time in our schedules than ever, but maintaining our health becomes more important each day.  

Whether you’ve been struggling with where to start your health and fitness journey, or if you’ve just been overcome by life events, there’s one thing that all of us need in order to live a healthier life…to take action in a consistent manner.  

Life continues to throw things at us…family, work, and stressful situations. But the need to stay healthy becomes increasingly important as we age.  

Join me to get the tools, know-how and advice you need to start and maintain healthy habits in your life.  

Action-Taker Academy Access Includes:

1. Professional Coaching Tools and a Support Community

  •  Closed Facebook group of like-minded, busy individuals looking to live healthier just like you!
  • Actionable steps you can take toward your personal goals for healthy living
  •  Monthly Q&A where where your coach addresses your questions in video format

2. Dietitian Resources with a Different Nutrition Focus Each Month  

  •  Nutrition Guides
  • Dietary Evaluation Questionnaires 
  •  Sample Menus


3. Workouts for Busy Lifestyles  

  •  Abbreviated workouts that fit your schedule
  • No-gym required
  • Demo videos for all exercises

This Membership is for you if...

  •  You find it hard to fit exercise and healthy nutrition habits into your busy lifestyle 
  •  You need direction on where to start or how to stick with healthy habits 
  •  You struggle with staying consistent in fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits


A Personal Invitation from Coach T...

My family is my world...and helping others is both a privilege, and my passion.  

Whether it’s through the church, through a life of military service, or through coaching and training health and fitness habits for the past 14 years, I know that what I do is important. But it can also be challenging.  

The “busy-ness” of life can sometimes prevent us from taking care of ourselves the way we need to. But each of us can live a bit healthier. And it’s important that we maintain our own health for ourselves, our families and loved ones.  

If you’re committed to a fresh start on your health and fitness journey, join me to get the tools and strategies I've used to stay fit while leading a life of service, love and commitment.  

Become an Action Taker today...join me and others in the Action-Taker Academy.  

I can’t wait to see you there… Coach T.  

Registration is currently closed. Click here to be notified for the next member registration opening!