What is stress really? Is it external situations, people in our lives, upcoming events, things that we are asked to do? OR is it our RESPONSES to those things? Why is it that speaking in public is stressful to some but exhilarating to others? Why is it that some people are deathly afraid of flying, …
Episode 051: Let Go of the Past…Focus On Your Future
Soldiers are taught how to deal with uncomfortable, unfamiliar situations. In the course of their training, there comes a moment when soldiers are asked to reach a specific destination with minimal equipment and minimal pre-hand information. It doesn’t matter how they get there. In the end, all that matters is that they get there. The …
Episode 051: Let Go of the Past…Focus On Your FutureRead More
Episode 050: Become the Person You Want to Be
Health and fitness is more than just physical. Being healthy is about more than counting calories or running a fast mile. It’s about mindset, and about what you can and are willing to do for yourself. For that reason, we are going to be changing up our focus a little bit here on the TD …
Episode 049: What’s In A Food Label? What You May Not Know About Processed Foods
You’ve seen them. They are everywhere. Food Labels. Almost all of your food comes with a nutrition label on the back and a flashy “health and purity” claim on the front. But what does it all really mean? Where does it all come from? That’s what we’re talking about today. I’m breaking everything down. Bottom …
Episode 049: What’s In A Food Label? What You May Not Know About Processed FoodsRead More
Episode 048: Giving You the Answer…Or Figuring It Out Yourself: How to Maintain Long-Term Healthy Living Goals
There is a question I often get from clients, and it goes something like this: “Well, what do you think I should do?” I understand, I’m the “expert,” and I could, of course, give you the answer. But, where do we draw the line between me giving you the answer and you coming up with …