The common refrain in improving your nutrition is typically centered around your calorie intake as if that single thing is the end all be all in weight loss. Well, in some ways it is, actually. But there’s more to your diet and nutrition than just the amount of calories you consume. Ten calories from fat …
What’s Your Next Step in Nutrition?
Instead of asking the question, “what does this diet call for?” consider making the statement, “this is what I’m going to do to improve my nutrition.” This is you determining what the best course of action is for you right now, given your particular set of circumstances, at this particular time in your life. One …
An Example Your ‘Why’ for Better Eating
Why do you want to eat better? Most might say to lose weight and to be healthier. Diet is certainly important in maintaining a healthy weight…and it will help you to live a healthier life. But, why does it really matter for and to you specifically? There will be some habit changes that will likely …
Nutrition: Learning from Past Attempts
Do you ever stop to think about why certain diets or nutrition programs didn’t work for you? It’s likely that the results of those past attempts came about because the method wasn’t right for you. The right approach is important in improving your nutrition habits. What have you learned in your lifetime of experiences with …
Don’t Dwell on the Past
The past doesn’t define you. It informs you. You define who you are and how you view yourself. The past should inform how you move forward, but it doesn’t determine what your next outcome will be. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be right now. Your past experiences, successes, frustrations, have brought you right …