Weight loss is perhaps the most common goal for gym-goers and dieters alike, yet there is so much misinformation causing confusing and, in some cases, risks to your health. Consider the 10 points below as you strive to reach your weight loss goals. When it comes to evaluating weight loss diets and exercise plans, it’s …
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Interval Training
Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about interval workouts and metabolic training. But what exactly is interval training? Are these workouts a suitable replacement for steady-state cardiovascular activity? Can and should they be used to train for endurance events? What are the benefits and when should interval training be used? Interval training is performed …
Unscrambling the Research Behind Eggs – Why It Doesn’t Go Over Easy
Eggs have been the target of countless nutritional studies for the past decade. The good and bad press has confused the average consumer, and this research is intermixed with personal opinions regarding their overall healthiness. It’s hard to ignore the convenience and delicious varieties that eggs provide, as they are such a common staple in …
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Five Ways to Guarantee Daily Stress and Discomfort
1. Continuously get less sleep than you need night after night. 2. Don’t perform physical activity on a regular basis. 3. Don’t stretch regularly. 4. Drink less water than anything else. 5. Make processed foods the bulk of your diet.
Gluten-free – It’s Marketable, but is it Healthy
There are only a few reasons why someone should avoid gluten in their diets. Yet in reality, many people think gluten is bad for health or believe gluten-free products are healthy by definition. Many label readers assume gluten is just another nutritional pitfall that should be eliminated from diets whenever possible. Similar to claims like …