Spring is here, and with it comes feelings of a fresh start and spring-cleaning. Some take spring-cleaning to a new level, hoping to cleanse their bodies of unwanted waste and toxins. The most common forms of these cleanses are detoxification (detox) diets and juice cleanses. But are they necessary, and more importantly, are they safe? …
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Seriously…This is the Small Size?
When I started the TD Fitness blog over two years ago, I remember thinking “I hope I don’t run out of things to write about.” For some reason, I thought that eventually I would exhaust all of the possible topics of interest related to health and fitness. I was wrong. There is always misinformation on …
Runners and Lifters: Six Tips for Injury Prevention
Recently a friend and I were discussing career longevity for professional athletes. After bit of research (i.e. a quick search on Google), we found that the average career length in each of the four major professional sports in America was less than six years. This is a relatively short amount of time – surely much …
Runners and Lifters: Six Tips for Injury PreventionRead More
Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes
Incorrectly thinking you need to lose weight. Too often I see friends and trainees who claim they need to lose weight, yet they don’t understand that they’re already at a healthy weight. What they’re actually looking for is a specific size, not weight. Adding to the problem is that our society promotes “skinny” as “fit” …
Nutrient Considerations for Active Vegetarians
The decision to follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle today may be fueled by good evidence that highlights how those who follow plant-based diets have increased longevity, better immunity and dramatically less chronic disease risk. However, athletes and those with active lifestyles can find that their divorce from meat leads to diminished energy and performance, …