Are any of you perfect parents? Probably not, right? How many of us have made pretty big mistakes as a parent? I certainly have. But my yesterday doesn’t define my tomorrow, and neither does yours. I recently heard a story about a grandmother who never accepted, spoke to, or acknowledged her grandson…because he was of …
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Live Your Marriage, Not Someone Else’s
Think for a second about who your favorite, most perfect married couple is…either in real life or fiction. I think you’ll find that in real life, no one is perfect, even if they appear to be..and in fiction, well, that’s why it’s fiction. It’s made-up perfection. But both of those are ok, as long as …
Be Yourself to Lower Stress
The Bhagavad Gita is one of the holy scriptures in Hinduism. One passage from this scripture states, “Far better to live your own path imperfectly than to live another perfectly.” I love this. We talk about stressors in life, and I can’t help but think that much of our stress comes from the disconnect between …
Eat Healthier by Starting Where You Are
Nutrition is one of the areas where we always look to change drastically. But if you want lasting change, you have to teach yourself to get more accustomed to the way you eventually want to eat, and that doesn’t happen overnight. Especially when you consider how much practice you’ve had and how good you are …
Be More Fit by Starting Where You Are
How do we apply this “start where you are” concept to fitness? Well, most of those who are looking to improve their health go about it by getting a trainer or a plan or by planning to exercise on most days of the week. Now, as a personal trainer and health coach, these are good …