Over the past month, I’ve talked about maintaining consistent habits as you look to grow and improve certain areas of your life. One way to do that is through small steps, like we’ve discussed. But, I’d like to point out another important factor as we talk about consistency, and that is that sometimes we assume …
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Small Routines to Grow Your Faith
Having belief through your faith isn’t always the hardest part of living a spiritual life. Rather it’s often practicing our faith that can be hard, and having a spiritual mindset, particularly in the challenging and rougher times of our lives. But it’s the seemingly little things that we do in our normal, everyday lives that …
Parenting: Be Deliberate Every Day
One of the things that I think about often as a parent and as an extremely busy adult is this – what small things am I missing that I need to be doing to show my children that I love them and to let them know that they are the best things that happened to …
Marriage: It’s the Little Things
A friend of mine who had been through the unfortunate circumstance of divorce once told me that divorce is insidious. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. It starts when the little things that you once did, that you would go out of your way to do to help, to show love and commitment, just start to …
Small Stressors Add Up
Seemingly small things in your life can add up to produce more stress. When you live a busy lifestyle sometimes the tendency is to think, “this new thing is small, I can probably manage it, it’s just for a short time.” So, when you say “yes” to organizing the cookie drive, or to writing that …