The most important relationship where habits can have a tremendous impact is in your marriage. So what are some healthy marriage habits that my wife and I have learned along the way from our roles as marriage mentors and after 16 years of marriage? The first is that love is a verb, not a noun. …
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Key Stress Management Habits
An added benefit of practicing healthy habits is that they allow us to better manage stress. The busyness of life will continue, but it’s easier to manage when you practice healthy habits. The specific approach I take to keep my stress levels relatively low are to counter stress, remove stressors, and to manage stressors. I …
Key Nutrition Habit Areas
I tend to break nutrition habits down into four key actions: drink more water, manage your calorie intake, eat fruits and veggies, and limit added sugars. Drinking water is one of the simplest, yet most effective changes you can make when it comes to improving your nutrition habits. The best way to judge proper hydration …
Key Fitness Habit Areas
When it comes to fitness habits, there are three specific areas that I’d advise you to focus on: they are movement, stretching, and recovery. Movement and exercise are extremely important for overall health. So, where do you start with exercise and movement habits? I try to keep it simple…just focus on moving more. Period. Flexibility …
Consistently Practice Relevant Habits
The challenge with any change or personal growth initiative is filling in the difference between where you are right now and who you want to be. So how do you move toward your goals and how do you make those steps a part of your daily life? By building better habits. The most important thing …