I’m not sure why this is, but for some, one of the hardest things to do is to show more love to your spouse. It seems as though we’d sooner give up on marriage than either change our attitude, change our actions or improve the way we communicate. It’s likely because each of these things …
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Are You Ready to Reduce Stress?
Outside of fitness and nutrition, another way to manage stress is by optimizing our sleep, either by making it more restful or by getting more of it. What can you do to improve your sleep habits? You may not be ready to commit to eight hours a night, but perhaps you’re willing to take another …
Ready to Improve Your Diet?
The best diet is the one that you can maintain, and the way to maintain a new diet, or new attempt to improve, is to first be honest with yourself on what you’re willing to do. You may not feel ready, but remember that you can change the expectation and still improve. Choose an approach …
Ready for Better Fitness?
Do you ever wonder why so many attempts to improve fitness habits fail? A big part of the reason is that we often neglect the most important consideration when it comes to improvement and personal growth…and that’s asking “How ready am I?” “Is this something I want to do, or something a doctor told me …
Are You Ready for Growth?
There are times in our lives when we’re more ready for growth than at other times. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change is a concept used in different types of coaching paradigms that describes five stages of change, or growth, in any particular endeavor. With this model, there are a few general rules to follow …