Small steps can add up to huge progress. When it comes to things that cause stress in our lives, it’s usually the sum of smaller cumulative stressors that combine to increase our overall stress levels. Therefore, it makes sense that taking small steps to reduce or eliminate some of these stressors one by one would …
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The Better Approach to Stress Management
If only we had a genie in a bottle to wipe away the stressors in our lives to live a life that’s completely stress-free… Wouldn’t that be great? Well, unfortunately, we can’t just get rid of all stress. A better approach than “all or nothing” is “better, not perfect.” Perfect is the enemy of good, …
Prioritize Your Effort
Choose one or two things that you’ll focus on. If everything is a priority, then nothing’s a priority. Whatever you choose, be clear on what the priority is and what things are not. Your time is scarce and your attention is too. Choose the one thing you will improve, and after you make some headway …
Your Plan to Lower Stress
Starting from where you are tends to personalize your improvement journey from the very beginning. But how do you keep it about you? The way to do that is by personalizing your plan for success. The most important person in your progress, and the one with the greatest impact, is you! Don’t fall into the …
Start Here to Lower Stress
One thing that adds to consistency in habits is personalizing your effort and your approach. It’s common to look at your goal and highlight the difference between where you are and where you want to be. But when it comes to healthier living, it’s paramount to determine where you are on your journey and to …