The continued effort on your path to a better you is your why. Your why will drive you and keep you going after you start, so it’s important to identify your why and keep it front and center along your journey. When the day-to-day struggles of implementing positive change in your life hit you, your …
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What Is My Next Step?
After you envision your better self, the next step is to take action that will move you toward the person you want to be. Whether you reduce or remove unnecessary stressors, or you add things like sleep, exercise, healthier eating habits, or white space in your calendar, you have to do these things consistently over …
Less Stress Part 2 – Make Your Environment Less Stressful
Welcome back for episode 110 of the TD Fitness Podcast! This is part 2 of my Less Stress Series. Chronic stress is unhealthy. It affects our mood, our hormones, and our weight… But, a productive, positive mindset and a conducive, healthy environment can help us better manage that stress. Of course, when it comes to …
Less Stress Part 2 – Make Your Environment Less StressfulRead More
Who Do You Want To Be
The challenge with any change is in filling in the gap between where you are right now and where you want to go. The natural inclination is to jump right in, figure out what needs to be done, and to start “doing.” But the steps of figuring out what has to be done and doing …
How to Better Manage Stress
Sometimes you can’t just get rid of commitments and things in your life that cause stress. But when you can’t get rid of it, you can attempt to manage it better. And largely, this comes down to planning and organizing your time better. We all get the same amount of time, and while the amount …