How do you let the past go in your attempt to move forward? How do you free yourself from the guilt of having lived a certain way for so long, having let so many things stress you out, affect your mood, distract you from the things that you now realize are truly important in life…? …
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Don’t Simply Do What You Did
How do you change your mindset so that you do not allow past stressors affect you like they have before? Some of it comes with maturity, some of it comes with practice, and some of it stems from being clear on your priorities, which allows you to be clearer about what’s NOT as important. It …
The Power You Possess
Some of the fears that we have are imaginations of the worst possible outcomes or experiences that we can think of… But what this does is create a very real emotion of fear and stress that we must deal with, when in reality, that extremely unlikely outcome has a very low chance of playing out …
At the Heart of All Stress
Fear underpins just about every type of stress I can think of, and those fears are not only stressful, but they’re also sometimes paralyzing. They keep us from moving forward. Facing fears starts with identifying them…with truly determining what is at the heart of your concerns. That’s a great first step in overcoming those fears …
Belief, Step 1
You can actually get better at letting go of stress… Like anything else, it requires practice. The limits in possibility that we unintentionally impose on ourselves far outweigh those that anyone else can put on us. But no matter what is on your plate, you can not only get through it, you can thrive. But, …