What do we do when the progress we seek eludes us? How do we continue to press on toward the change we seek? It’s an important question because, for most of us, it’s easy to continue when you start to see the results you’re looking for. It’s easier to maintain a particular diet when you …
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What We Measure Affects Us
We are, perhaps, our own toughest critic. And when we don’t get the results that we’re looking for, our motivation and our confidence both take a hit. Our mindset sets the stage for everything that follows. Therefore, it’s important to protect that positive mindset and to push negative thoughts aside. And that’s why it’s important …
Why Patience Matters
Patience is particularly important when it comes to improving a diet or a way of eating. It’s because our eating habits are some of the hardest habits to change. But this is usually because the results we seek start off as imperceptible. If I eat better today than I did yesterday, my body knows it, …
Replace Win or Lose with Try and Learn
Professional athletes don’t just seek to win. They seek to learn from every experience. They do this because they know that there is no “finish line” when it comes to self-improvement. They constantly work to get better. You may not be a professional athlete, but you can further grow your capacity to learn. If you …
Measure What You Do, Not the Result
So what should we measure? When it comes to healthier living, I’m always a proponent of measuring actions, not outcomes. The keyword in improving your health is to be healthIER. That means improving what you do, the things you can control…not what happens because of what you do. This is particularly applicable in nutrition because …