Improving your diet is not about being perfect. Rather, it’s about consistency over time. This is one of the most important things to remember when we talk about healthy change. As Winston Churchill said, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”
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Healthier Eating – Your Next Step
What’s your next step in healthier eating? Should you choose something easy or something that will yield the quickest, most healthy result? Should you choose something that gets you to a goal that you’re already close to? Or do you take an approach that you’re most excited about? Well, the answer is “yes” to all …
A Better Plan for You
Why would I ask you to determine your own way forward in improving your diet? First, no one knows you like you know yourself. Therefore, the best person to advise you in what’s in the realm of the possible when it comes to starting your small, incremental changes is you! Next, involvement in your plan …
A Healthier Diet for You
There are countless external influences that pull you in one direction or another when it comes to improving your diet. But the focus should be on *your* diet. So often we attempt to drastically change how we’re eating and shape our lifestyle to fit a new way that just isn’t us. Think about your current …
Motivation from Within
It’s important to understand your true “why” as you look to improve. This is your internal or intrinsic motivation. Positive changes are more likely to stick when they are driven by motivation from within. It allows you to anchor yourself in those deep-down drivers that are tied to things you value. Intrinsic motivation also tends …