In 2018 I embarked on what I thought would be a short experimental journey to learn more about what it takes to practice intermittent fasting. I had never done anything like that before, and I wasn’t sure that I would be able to stick with it. But it turned out that none of that mattered. …
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The One Thing Needed for Healthy Change
With any change for the better, you’re either adding a positive habit, or you’re cutting back (or eliminating) an unhealthy habit. Either way, it requires change on some level, and change is difficult. But the catalyst for that change has to be grounded in your mindset. It starts with what you think of yourself, and …
The Big Picture – Living Healthier 101
Since the beginning of the year, we’ve focused on one of my four major focus areas each month. In January, the focus was on your mindset. February’s theme was your environment. In March, it was all about the process and your approach to healthier living. And this month, the focus is on appropriately measuring progress. …
Don’t Let Lapses Keep You Off Track
So you’ve been fairly consistent with one or more healthier living actions for some time now, and then something throws you off track. Before you know it, you’ve gone a week or two without meeting your habit goals. I’m here to tell you that lapses are a part of the process. The most important thing …
Make Adjustments Along the Way
How do we actually move forward and get better as we work to live healthier? Measurements give us a way of assessing how we’re doing on our journey. They give us feedback that we can then use to adjust course. You use what you’ve learned from measuring and take the appropriate steps to improve so …