What we measure is extremely important because it informs what we think about ourselves and about our ability to continue. If we measure how our habits are improving, we can control that and work to make it better. But if we measure outcomes that we can’t control, it can rob us of motivation and belief …
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Why Patience Matters
The thing that makes it so difficult to maintain a long-term outlook is the patience that’s required to do so. James clear has said that good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy. If you have good habits, all you need is for time to work for you. You just need …
Replace “Win or Lose” with “Try and Learn”
We live in a world that has us accustomed to instant results, same-day delivery, and answers to questions at our fingertips. In some ways, it’s normal to expect that our goals and desires for better health or a smaller size should happen overnight. But healthy living is a process. And going through this process, actually …
Measure Actions, Not Outcomes
Our central theme here is how to maintain habits for consistent healthy living. The key takeaway is that you should measure actions, not outcomes. You can improve your actions. But outcomes are a result of both your actions and other factors that you cannot control. So as you look to define success, focus on the …
Important Things to Measure
The goal of measuring progress isn’t to determine whether you passed or failed. That’s a very finite and short-sighted mentality. Healthy living is a journey, not a destination. And measurements serve as our feedback along this journey. But, when it’s difficult to measure what’s important, we tend to ascribe importance to what we can measure. …