Do you have someone around you that shares a similar goal of improving their health? Do you have someone in your life that will support you in your endeavors, even if they don’t necessarily share the same goals? I hope so. We need communities of support and people in our corner. We need to belong …
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How Stress Affects Us
Why talk about stress? Stress plays a huge role in preventing us from being consistent and making the changes we need to make. Stress also causes us to retain extra weight. One of the greatest predictors of success or failure in making the change you seek to make is the amount of stress in your …
Control What You Can
Control what you can and don’t worry about the things beyond your control. There are so many things occurring around us that we simply cannot control. But there are also things that we can. Recognizing that there are things that you can change and things you can’t is a key step in moving forward. It …
Look Around
Last month we focused on your mindset…it was all about you! Now we move into the importance of your environment and your surroundings. It’s important to understand what’s going on around us and to have an appreciation for the environment in which we live and work. Otherwise, you’re literally planning in a vacuum. An understanding …
Learning from Past Attempts
View past attempts as learning experiences, not as failures. The past should serve merely to inform how you move forward. It does not determine what your next outcome will be. You can use it to improve because past attempts are gifts of learning.