The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change describes five stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Each stage is a bit different, and it’s likely that we are at different stages depending on the healthy habit we’re trying to create or improve. As we think about the major focus area of mindset and what …
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You Are Qualified
There are four major focus areas in healthy change. The first area is your mindset. A productive and positive mindset helps us overcome the mental challenges that are part of the change process. As we think about mindset, I like to break it down into three, time-phased parts: the present, the future, and the past. …
Serving You in 2021. Annual TD Fitness Update – Goals, Priorities and Lessons
Well, that was interesting…2020, that is. I think back to this time a year ago…the excitement I had for changes for the better (like any new year period), the hope that comes with those expectations as I looked toward the future…and then a pandemic threw a wrench in everyone’s plans. So, the question is, now …
Serving You in 2021. Annual TD Fitness Update – Goals, Priorities and LessonsRead More
Reduce Stress. Live Healthier. Part 4
Welcome back to the TD Fitness Podcast for episode 104, where we’re wrapping up our 4-part discussion on how to reduce stress and live healthier! In episode 101, we recapped how we can and should let go of the past, how we can ignore unhelpful outside judgment, and how we can reduce our stress to …
Lapses Happen. Take Control.
Lapses are gaps in consistency… and they’re a normal part of the process. So why not plan for them? There is benefit in planning for “chunks” of time when you won’t be expected to practice your healthy habit. There will be gaps in your consistency over time. The key is to be more consistent than …