What are some ways in which you can seek to improve your habits? Either go deeper, or get broader, or both. Go deeper by continuing to improve on a single habit. Or get broader by using a multi-pronged approach and incorporating other healthy habits into your life. One habit certainly helps to improve your health, …
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A Better You
When it comes to assessing your performance, it’s important to have a measure of performance. My advice is to measure against your “yesterday self.” It’s about improvement, and being better today than you were yesterday. More specifically, it’s about improving based on the person you used to be. Instead of trying to be 100% better …
What We Measure Affects Us
The importance behind measuring things with the right perspective in mind is because what we measure informs how we view success or failure. We keep an internal “score” in our minds, and how we do affects what we think about ourselves and our ability to continue on the journey…our motivation.
Measure More of “Less” for Lower Stress
Simply being busy, though easily measured, is not a good way to determine productivity, and it’s certainly not a good way to improve health. Instead, I recommend measuring how much down time you were able to incorporate. View “success” as the amount of additional time you can spend in movement, rest, reflection, white space, or …
Measurements Toward a Goal
How do you measure productivity? Maybe there’s some satisfaction in checking off things on your to-do list, but then what? It’s easy to measure our actions and what we do or don’t do…it’s harder to measure how we feel. Think about what’s really important for a healthy, fulfilling life. It may not be determined by …