The greater your perspective, the better your ability to cope. These times are tough, but for every individual who is feeling beat down, defeated and frustrated by the current situation, there is someone who is thriving, seeking and finding a new opportunity. And the reason those people are able to do this…? It’s because of …
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Perspective Through Uncertainty
Perspective is hard when there’s uncertainty. It’s hard when the end is unknown…when you don’t know when the difficult time will end, or when you don’t know what the outcome will be. We’re in an uncertain time right now, and we don’t know how long it will last. Keep the right perspective, and know that …
Zoom Out
It’s easy to get caught up in the short term, but the greater your outlook, the greater your perspective. You’re more aware with context and perspective. Think about the time when the COVID 19 crisis of 2020 is in the rearview mirror. This too shall pass. Work to ingrain or maintain healthy habits now. They …
We All Benefit from Being Connected
The power of being connected is the network effect. The network effect is powerful because of a simple truth – that all of us together are more capable than any one of us alone. We can solve problems together…in times of crisis, and normal life as we work toward better fitness, nutrition, health and life.
‘Connection’ is Not ‘Connected’
Being connected is not the same as connection. One of the things the coronavirus situation has highlighted is the need for real connection and contact. And maybe we needed to be reminded of that. We all need connection…to make us better in health, and in life. And particularly in times of crisis. In a time …