As a personal trainer and health coach, I work closely with registered dietitian, Ashley Koff, and her Better Nutrition Company. She helps me provide expert nutrition advice and resources to those I work with. What I love about Ashley and her team at Better Nutrition is the focus on improvement, not meeting some unattainable standard. …
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View Mistakes as Experiments
We tend to beat ourselves up when we fall short of our expectations. But in these instances, the failure only occurs if we fail to learn from it. When you fall short of your expected goal, ask yourself: Was your goal too aggressive? What prevented you from meeting your goal? Use that information to improve …
Pace Yourself
It’s not difficult to discern the experienced from those who are motivated yet inexperienced. It’s because experience tells the marathoner, the racer, the individual who practices healthy habits…not to sprint out of the gate. So yes, it’s January, of a new year, of a new decade…and it can be the beginning of a new lifestyle …
What We Measure
What we choose to measure influences what we think is important..and therefore what we seek to achieve. In the Action Taker Academy, we measure PERFORMANCE, not OUTCOMES. Because the ACTIONS we take toward IMPROVING our current habits is more important than a measurable outcome that we cannot control. When it’s difficult (or impossible) to measure what’s …
Your Frame of Reference
A quote by Mark Levy: “If you want to know the value of one year, just ask a student who failed a course. If you want to know the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. If you want to know the value of one hour, ask the …