After a few weeks, we’re back with a new episode on the TD Fitness Podcast! This month (November) is National Diabetes Month in the United States and I went live on Facebook earlier this month to discuss diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Diabetes can cause a multitude of complications and conditions. Here I share some …
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What Do You Measure?
Don’t get caught up measuring something just because it’s convenient or just because you can or just because everyone else is doing it. Just as you control what actions you take, you also have the power to define how you measure progress. Measuring the steps you take toward your goal, your actions and your consistency…those …
You Are Not Average
The perfect plan for you is one that helps you to live a little bit healthier tomorrow than you did today. It’s one that gets you moving a little bit more or gets more nutrients in your diet today than yesterday. And those decisions are yours…they have to be. Because nothing else is truly personalized …
Your Narrative and Your Surroundings
Both your surroundings and your narrative are important. And what you tell yourself, and how you view yourself is ultimately more powerful than anything else. But the greatest strides are made when you combine positive self-talk with the supporting mechanisms around you.
Go Big or Go Home?
The choice doesn’t have to be to go home if I don’t go big. There are a million other places I could go! A more prudent approach is to pick a moderately challenging goal and work to get better at accomplishing it. As your capacity and ability grow, so can the difficulty of your goal.