Whether your goal is to lose weight, live longer, better heart-health, be better able to move so you can play with your kids, to walk a mile, or to run a marathon…that purpose should drive everything you. Because each of your actions either helps with that goal or hinders it. There’s seldom an in-between. So …
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Healthy Lifestyle or Healthy Habits?
Either approach CAN work. But there’s a different mindset and outlook between the two. You should probably determine if what you’re doing is right for you…and make a choice.
Fill Up to Pour Out
Change requires effort. And you can’t expend effort if you don’t have it to give. If you want to make positive change in your life, start by freeing up some time or space…sometimes deciding what you will do is more of an exercise on saying what you won’t do.
Forget About Your Goals. Focus on Your System.
This episode was inspired by James Clear’s Atomic Habits. According to James Clear, you do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. I want to unpack this concept as it pertains to how we structure our fitness goals, and what systems I put in place so …
How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Deal with Legitimate Fears (A Triathlon Swim Example)
One of my Action-Takers has a HUGE problem… So we’re tackling it on the podcast! This Action-Taker writes: I have a HUGE phobia of ocean swimming. How do/will I overcome this fear for the triathlon? Not only is the triathlon itself a major challenge, but this fear is also a major obstacle. So, in this …
How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Deal with Legitimate Fears (A Triathlon Swim Example)Read More