Are you a late shift worker? Know someone working late shifts? How about some helpful tips on healthy living? I’m really excited about this topic because it comes directly from one of you, TD Fit Fam! I talk a lot about healthy living for busy individuals here, and sometimes it’s not just being “busy” we …
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Hitting the Reset Button – Overcoming Setbacks in Healthy Living
This episode is all about overcoming setbacks! When we’re deliberate about planning to live healthier (which is where I want all of us to be), setbacks can sometimes overwhelm and demotivate us. Setbacks are a part of the game though, they’re a big part of life… If all we had to do was focus on …
Hitting the Reset Button – Overcoming Setbacks in Healthy LivingRead More
4 Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth
Like sweets? Have a major sweet tooth? You’re not alone. I’m guilty too! Sugar…that powerful, often-abused little substance, is all too easy to succumb to, especially when we’re stressed. I’ve seen this recently in myself. But, we aren’t completely helpless. We can fight back. There are things we can do to counter, curb and tame …
The Compounding Interest of Small Strides
Small Strides? Or Major Setbacks? Small steps compound into huge gains. But, less healthy decisions, no matter how small, can also add up to major setbacks or stagnation. It’s important that we are aware and intentional because all of us get busy, and often, we don’t have or can’t set aside large chunks of time …
Physical Activity for Kids, Pregnancy and Older Adults
There is a lot of information out there on the “right amount” of physical activity… But the real answer is: it depends. Remember, this isn’t one-size fits all! Health and fitness are very personal and specific. So, I want to get a little more specific this week and talk about a few more stages in …
Physical Activity for Kids, Pregnancy and Older AdultsRead More