Defining success in faith is a bit tricky, mainly because it could be so very simple. You see, we’re all winners. We’ve already won because Jesus came and paid the price for all of our sins. So there’s nothing we can do to earn a place in heaven or to win at faithful living. We’re already saved. All we have to do is believe, and do our very best to practice living a Godly life. These could either be the most difficult, or the most freeing things that you’ll ever practice. Belief may be hard to embrace, but it gets so much easier once you start. Practicing living according to God’s word is just that, practice. We can’t get it 100% right, but we can still practice it. I define success in these areas by asking if my actions are reflective of who God wants me to be. It’s all about growing in faith, and in applying your faith to your actions.