Wow. I blinked…and now I’m 40. That’s right, I hit the big FOUR-“Oh!” this month (today, as a matter of fact). I guess I view it as a milestone like most people, but I honestly don’t feel any different. In many ways, I feel healthier than I did in some of my younger years. Maybe it’s because I’ve learned more about health, fitness, and what my body can (and can’t) do. I spend more time taking care of my body now, performing appropriate exercises for my phase in life, and giving myself ample rest. As many of you know, the recovery time is a little longer now!
No matter what your age, the need for health and fitness is important. But there are different exercise and nutrition requirements between a twenty-something and those in my mom’s Silver Sneakers class. It’s important to understand these differences as we age and to make appropriate adjustments.
I can’t help but reflect as another birthday comes and goes. When I was younger, I remember thinking that 40 was old. Now that I’m 40, of course 40’s not old at all! The truth is that while age may be a state of mind, how you feel at any given age is determined by your health. Do things to remain young at heart, both literally and figuratively. Enjoy walks in the park. Spend time with family and loved ones. Be spontaneous. Eat well a majority of the time, and make time for exercise.
So yes, I am 40. Besides reaching my fourth decade of life, I’ll also complete my first Marathon, Half Ironman, and Full Ironman Triathlon this year. We can’t stop time or aging…but we can control what we do with that time and make age a number that’s associated with our birthdate, not our hearts and minds. It’s 2015…let’s focus on attitude, not age.