I and other believers strive to live our lives in a way such that we can mimic the way Jesus lived here on earth. We all want to be like Him. Now, this isn’t necessarily an attainable goal because we are all sinners at heart. But how does that translate into the best version of ourselves, or into being the person that we want to be…the person that we envision spiritually? This is an attainable goal, and the truth is that God sees the beauty and goodness in you, even if you or others don’t. Your future self is your current self. You didn’t have to do anything to earn your place at His table. All you have to do is believe. Believe in Him…your place is already reserved. So as I think about who I want to be, the type of person that I want to be…a better person, the types of things that I need to do are those things that God would have me do. The types of things that Jesus did. The patience, caring, grace and faith that Jesus showed. By practicing those things and that way of life, you can have and experience all that God has in store for you. Who do you want to be? More importantly, who does God want you to be? And what do you need to do–how do you need to live to be that person?