The common refrain in improving your nutrition is typically centered around your calorie intake as if that single thing is the end all be all in weight loss. Well, in some ways it is, actually. But there’s more to your diet and nutrition than just the amount of calories you consume. Ten calories from fat are different than 10 calories from protein, for one. Secondly, you have to think about sustainability. I could absolutely cut my calorie intake in half by eating only salad and drinking water each day, but I know that’s not sustainable for me. I want to enjoy food. So, a better approach for me personally is to eat a salad each day, or to try to limit my portion sizes from time to time, or to skip some meals altogether through fasting. And when I measure “progress” in these areas, it’s not about how much weight I’ve lost, it’s about improving the actions that I take on a consistent basis in order to create and instill habits that will keep me healthier over the long-term.