Pronounced: SAY she ate it.
Being satiated means having a feeling of fullness or satisfaction when it comes to your appetite. Put another way, you’re not hungry anymore. (Not to be confused with gorging yourself or being completely stuffed after a Thanksgiving meal.)
Why is this important? Simple. When you’re satiated, you don’t have the desire to eat…you’re content, not hungry. What is one of the largest contributors to overeating, and subsequent weight gain? Being excessively hungry. See where I’m going with this?
Certain foods help with the feeling of fullness. For example, fiber (found in vegetables, whole grains, and whole wheat products) give you a greater feeling of fullness AND take longer to digest, putting off your hunger even longer. Protein also gives you a satiated feeling and there are several lean sources such as chicken and turkey. Potato chips, french fries, and other empty calorie foods provide very little nutritional benefit, typically contain more calories, and leave you hungry shortly after “filling up” on them.
Incorporating fiber-rich foods and protein in your diet will help keep you satiated, lead to lower calorie intake, and help maintain a healthy weight.