The key to effective snacking is in finding something healthy, yet sustaining. Here, we list some healthy snacks you can munch on between meals.
Coconut Water – 8 Things You Should Know
Coconut water has been described as an all-natural sports drink with claims of reducing illness and fighting disease. It has even been used in some countries as an intravenous hydration fluid (IV) where medical saline was unavailable. With the growing popularity of coconut water, it’s time to ask, “What do I really need to know about this wonder liquid?”
Three Facts about Zero Calorie Soda
The diet cola and zero calorie trends are more popular than ever. But does zero calorie really mean “healthier?” Here are three things to remember…
From the Pyramid to a Plate
The USDA recently replaced their food pyramid with a plate icon. The previous symbol, known as MyPyramid, has now become ChooseMyPlate. ChooseMyPlate is a way of depicting the recommended quantities and ratios of different food types for nutrition.
Three Takeaways from Nutrition Labels
These days, trying to read a food label can be pretty intimidating…but if you know what to look for, those labels can actually be very beneficial. As it turns out, a quick glance can go a long way. Food labels appear on almost all packages of processed food. They can even be found in restaurants, …