There are many questions surrounding nutrition and exercise. Allow me to make it a bit easier to understand. Think of time surrounding your workout as three distinct periods – prior to exercise, during exercise, and post-exercise.
Pre-Exercise: Would you hop in the car and set out for a long drive without ensuring there is enough fuel in the gas tank? Before doing physical activity, you should fuel your body with the right types of nutrients. These include slow-burning complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and whole wheat products.
During Exercise: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. For the average gym-goer, hydration is the most important aspect of nutrition during exercise. We expend water through sweat and breathing, and our bodies use more water throughout the course of exercise. For extended periods of exercise during endurance training and events, electrolytes and simple carbohydrates are important to maintain cell balance and to provide energy as we deplete our energy stores.
Post-Exercise: Protein and simple carbohydrates are important immediately following your workout. The body’s ability to break down and use these nutrients for muscle repair and recovery is greater after working out. Fruit smoothies, protein shakes, or chocolate milk consumed within two hours after a workout are good options to rebuild energy stores and repair muscle fibers.